2008 Presidential Election Results – County by County Map


Source: Newsmax.com


6 responses to “2008 Presidential Election Results – County by County Map”

  1. Robert Martin Avatar
    Robert Martin

    Looking at this county by county map tells me that in 2012 aprox. 20-25 counties in the so-called (10) toss up states that could swing this thing.

  2. It is mind blowing to see this map dominated by red and to realize the blue is actually ahead. Great breakdown

  3. It just goes to show you how counties with working class people not dominated by tree huggers, bleeding hearts, minorities and welfare recipients will vote.

    1. just population density at work.

      if you compare these political maps with ordinary geographical maps you see that — mostly — the red counties are rural with very low population density, while the blue counties are urban & suburban commercial corridors and centers with high population density. county boundaries are arbitrarily drawn and vary hugely by population and size across the US (compare New York County — basically the island of Manhattan, 33 square miles, with 1.6 million residents — and Carbon County, WY — 7,900 square miles and 15,000 people — for one example of these extreme variations).

      the real driver is urbanization — the more people are forced to interact with each other and the denser and more compact their society, the less reasonable sounding are simple comforting solutions, because they’ve learned these solutions are usually not effective at actually solving the real complex problems of these compact, dense communities. the reverse is sometimes true though — something that’s a necessary evil in Manhattan might be intrusive and ridiculous in Wyoming.

      people in both places are just voting their (perceived) interests, which differ wildly from sparsely populated rural to complex, dense urban centers.

      this seems to be a decent explanation of social and economic voting patterns, but doesn’t entirely explain the hostility of the sparsely populated areas to the idea of government and government funded programs — historically and almost without exception, the densly populated urban areas get far less than even return on tax dollars, while the rural areas are recipients of huge structural and programmed government spending that has allowed them to grow and prosper; NY gets back about $0.75 for every dollar sent to the federal treasury, for example, while WY gets more like $1.10. this has been true for most of the last century.

      at least it’s one idea to explain the red/blue divide… your mileage may vary.

  4. […] You guys (and OP) make me laugh. If you remember the media during last election…they said McCain/Obama was going to be VERY CLOSE. Well…we are well after that time and Obama won with 63% of the electoral college and he won the popular vote by 7% points. This election will be very similar. Those in the countryside, tend to vote republican and those in the metro area generally vote democrat. Source: 2008 Presidential Election Results – County by County Map […]

  5. […] about, you may think you are in a completely different place. For example, you can see in this map, that Republicans control the country while the Democrats controls most urban areas. The same […]

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